Sunday 29 March 2015


Hey readers,
Many e-mails and messages have come up asking me what 'MAKTUB' is and why have I renamed my blog so.

"Maktub," the merchant said, finally. "What does that mean?" "You would have to have been born an Arab to understand," he answered. "But in your language it would be something like 'It is written."                                                            -- The Alchemist, pg. 31
Maktub means fate or destiny. The concept comes from the Islamic notion that Allah writes one's destiny and whatever we experience occurs because it is meant  to be.Maktub indicates that He has written all and people should not fear because everything happens for a reason and we are all in His hands. God understands what is to come in our lives because He did write our destinies.


Yakira is too obsessed with the Middle Eastern countries. And Matkub is an Arabic word.
   Istanbul will be the first place I will ever travel outside my own country.
Well, this is because after Reading "The secret letters of The Monk who Sold his Ferrari", this Little Monk who is not even interested in buying a Ferrari wants to travel Istanbul and the rest of Middle Eastern Destinations.
(I started with lame reasons. It's okay. )


Yakira is in love with The Alchemist.
    The Alchemist is a spiritual fable which tells the reader how one is responsible for their own Destiny.
"Because Life wants you to achieve your destiny."
I request you all to read this wonderful book. An unforgettable novel.


With some recent experiences and feelings after much thinking I have started feeling that that there is something that is governing this universe.


One such reader also asked me who is Yakira?
 Initially I said, "my pen name". a
Later after thinking I had a stronger and good reply.

"Myself, Yuktha in real life is not as quiet, thoughtful and balanced as Yakira. Yakira is my alter ego. I don't write. Yakira does."

(Alter ego. Well I am confused alot. So better name is Yakira. )
PS: I have asked you all a question I want replies. Either comment or E-mail

- Yuktha

Saturday 28 March 2015


"Listen Rekhaaaa"

"What is it now, Mom?"

Rekha was so irritated because her Mom just didn't stop lecturing her on how difficult she is as a difficult teenager.
And then the usual melodrama takes place. So let me just make it clear for you,
I have always seen Parents complaining about their kids on how irresponsible they are, how arrogant they are. Many parents also are fed up of their kids having girlfriends and boyfriends, the fantasy crushes, and the so called typical teenage problems of their kids.
After being too rude they make you realise that your Dad had done overtime when you and your brother were small. Sometimes the emotional reason is Financial Crisis or health and family problems. They tell you how they you used to poop just after your mom sat for dinner. The most famous stories are those in which they tell you how your mom and dad couldn't sleep at night because you used to demand for milk and you used to poop, puke, pee. All gross stuff together.

Just one day, it struck my mind. No offence it might be very very very Rude.

Weren't my parents teenagers?
Weren't they arrogant?
Didn't my parents fall for attraction and in love?
Didn't their parents change diapers for them?
Didn't they cry and their parents make them quiet?
Weren't they fussy?

It is just a phase of life. Today you  might be debted by obligations but you know that tomorrow some body else would be obliged by you.

Yesterday before sleeping Rekha was crying. She was kind of frustrated and also felt sad for the mentality of the people around.
"Many of them do not value Art and Science streams as equals. They do not consider that these fields have their own charm."
That's what Rekha told me.
Some days before when she was not doing so well in some external exams She felt frustrated and stressed. But today She is all happy.
"The struggle to get something is tedious, but the joy after finding the solutions is pleasurable."
You need to be sad to know what happiness feels like. There needs to be an Arid desert to know what it feels when you see date trees in these Deserts. To have the pleasure of drinking water you should be dehydrated.
"When a bad day comes, you know that a good day had passed and a good day will pass."

Recently Rekha mentioned about meeting a parent who did not wish to make their child for the entrance exam of the Best institute around because they felt that their child might get frustrated and go through the same stress we students have had gone.
We both tried to pursue them that they should give it a try.
Frustration and Stress always came in our way. But we never ignored the fact that not forget it should be taught to fight, but not to be avoided.
"Nothing can substitute experience."
We shouldn't avoid situations, many a times we feel that we prevent them. But preventing good lessons is called avoiding them.
Rekha was talking to the parents and while conversing she just mentioned that,
The Uncle there appreciated her. He asked her, "All your friends think like this?"
She said, "No"
A question mark appeared on his face.
She said, "It is because I struggled, I knew how to think, I knew how to fight over problems. I went the challenging way and others gave up."
 And may be because of this Rekha learnt how to think. She went into depths of topics and understood them.

It comes. It goes. Nothing stays forever. So just live the moment. Enjoy it. And fight.

PS: Veronica Decides to Die. Inspired from that book and a personal experience.
And also I do not say that We the teenagers can behave the way we want because if you can't give your parents respect today then You simply cannot expect Respect later. You reap what you sow. 
(But some out burst are fine though. 
Okay this is a very sensitive issue. So deal it yoursleves.) 
