Wednesday 20 May 2015


Tears rolled when I was cleaning the dust off my small writing Journal named 'Yakira Drafts'.
It's almost a month I haven't written anything. 
'26 Shades of Yakira' was supposed to end in the last week of May. 
Only 2 Articles have been published till date. Sigh.

"Why did this happen? What was the reason?"
That's what I was asked.
You can't always answer. I just smiled and replied, "Agony. Disturbances."

Well, was I planning to live with it forever?
Would I never move on? Did that crisis just leave me with all negative thoughts? No plans? No Motivation? NOT EVEN PLANS OF A REVENGE?

No. After almost a month I have decided that I CAN'T LIVE WITH THIS.
Every person needs to move on. Keeping the mental brawls aside.
We need a change and If the slope of the change is positive then it's called progress.
And and. Not to forget. If the slope falls under the x axis then it goes above it, then that is called rising up LIKE A BOSS.

If your life is all good. No fights. No excitements. Get up, Brush, Bath, Study/work, Back home, Eat, Sleep. And something which you might feel like is to die. It's okay. Bleh.
NO CHANGE = BORING. Most common.

If your life is not good. (PS: I didn't say BAD.) Your goody goody life turns upside down ,Arguments. No friends. Get up. Feeling like banging your head. Drowsy, Doesn't wants to go to school/work. Sleeps. cries. Eats. Feels useless. Drinks. Sleeps. And something which you might feel like is to die. It's NOT okay. something has seriously gone wrong and you have to realise that you have to enjoy. You need motivation. Read books. So
NEGATIVE CHANGE = OOOPS. Something is wrong.

If your life is fantastic. The rate of new and exciting things is rising. No negativity. You don't just get up. You get up and decide that this day will be the happiest day of your life. And you will sleep with the notion that the day next should be more happier. Well. this is the Ideal state. But hard to achieve. It's okay. Yeah.
POSITIVE CHANGE = NICE. Achievable provided you are Buddha.

If you have tasted all the above three flavours of Life. Then nothing like it. At some point of time there have been negative slopes, some time constant and some time positive and increasing slopes. WOW. Tomorrow if you come across something wrong you will know how to make it okay for you because you have tasted what was not okay. But does this wisdom come without the negative slope?
PARABOLIC CHANGE = BEST. That is what Life is all about. (Life. Lol. A 14 year old blabbers. But still. )

I was at a stable position few months ago, fairly above the x axis. Then I went through the OOOPS stage but I feel that after writing this up I am atleast on the line y=0. And I want my curve of line to go higher and higher and serve me new challenges.

Parabola is a tricky part of co-ordinate geometery. And so is understaanding the need of a change. May be a change in your hairstyle, clothing, car, friends, books, job, surroundings, mental peace. Absolutely a small change would make you more lively and happier.

So, Welcome Changes.
