Friday 29 January 2016

Finally, 'People' unveiled!

Days when you start doubting yourself,
Not questioning only the eternal selfbelief.
But being puzzled whether-
 the way you laugh, acceptable to 'People' or not.
 the way you joke about things around you, cool to 'People' or not.
 the way you roam in pajamas and wear those 5 tops of same design and different colors you bought to avoid the pain of shopping, makes you fashionable to 'People' or not.
 the way you go running like a mad bull howling in the corridors of your school, sophisticated to 'People' or not.
 the way you believe in your capabilities and then may be after failing, makes you a loser for 'People' or not.
 the way you talk flawlessly about your future goals, makes you seem overconfident to 'People' or not.
 the way you get over your ex s soon makes you a whore to 'People' or not.
 the way you perceived a rude statement casually when you wanted to hit back hard on it, make you a sport to 'People' or not.

The Real question is whether to pay heed to these 'People' or not.
Who are the 'People'?
Do they really matter to you?
If they do, then WHY?
Who are they to you? Do you admire something in them?
If you do then HOW?
Are you jealous and you want to be like them? Then please cross the word INDIVIDUALITY from you dictionary, imbibing positive points is great but don't be a beta version of them.
Are you simply in awe of their capabilities? Then please take
 inspiration from them and find out your plus points and work on them.

These 'People', if they mean shit to you then cross them out. Don't care. Your way of living life is your own way. We are all different individuals.
Do you know why?
No because we are cute little god's babies but biologically after looking in to the past of the living race, Evolution is and was an event because of variations. And humans are supposed to be varied.
Sex, one of the fantasied pleasures has created them. It was supposed to be interesting to see that humans are so different from each other but today the present yet absent element of life, the 'People' find it weird to see different or insane people(that's what the sane 'People' call them.)
To those who live life on their own 'crazy' yet unique terms, talk what their heart feels, behave the way they feel pleased to and  who are not like the 'People' around them,
Dude you are amazing, you keep the courage to behave the weird way, you are not ashamed of being your own self, you are not a part of the 'people', you are you. You are beautifully and creatively special and blessed. You do not make the mistake of judging others. You keep the power to accept all flaws with grace. You have a shine, a glow of your own and a mesmerizing personality which the 'People' don't find often.
And the 'People' who have zero guts to be themselves, to those 'People' who judge, you might as well let them have the previledge to be entitled to one of the five fingers of your hand with you not wanting to go to the loo, marry them, point at them and least likely acknowledge them for their wonderful deed.
You know what I mean tho because you have the strength to be yourself, you are an individual in true sense.

Wednesday 13 January 2016


To trust or Not to trust, that is the question.

What was shared? Harmony or stinky lies?
Will there be salty tears or joyous smiles?
Was it clarion or a clouded rainspell?
Were the words dubious or clear gospels?

Were they incidents or stories fabricated?
What should I be? Straight or wrenched?
Spoken out with indecision or convenance?
Were things cryptic or obvious in existence?

To trust or Not to trust, that is the question.

Down the memory lane I slide,
Hearing those chuckles over the ride.
While one was full of moods and blabber,
The other would be balanced and sober.

Broken was my heart, shattered than ever,
When the decent stabbed me with an unfaithful dagger.
It yelped "Brutus! You too" and a thud,
There I lie in a painful red flood.

To trust or Not to trust, that is the question.

The spirit of trust yet haunting,
The thought of belief is still taunting.

To trust or Not to trust, that is the question.
And it still remains a question...
-Yakira ✨