Sunday 25 January 2015


Think when you were still a kid, everything was POSSIBLE…
You put a BLANKET over your back, then u became a SUPERMAN…
You take your moms BROOM and ride over it, then you became a witch…
You climb the TREE not knowing that you might fall, You simply MADE IT…
You just had an IDEA, and made in HAPPEN, because you BELIEVE…
You were then CREATIVE with strong BELIEF…
As You became a adult, things were a little DIFFERENT…
When you failed in the exam, You thought that you could NEVER make it…
When you had a brilliant proposal, You thought may be it is NOT the right time…
When you wanted to start a business, You thought may be it is NOT easy…
When you are already in business, You heard someone say do NOT take a risk…
When you have a brilliant idea,
That create more JOBS for POORER NATIONS,
can provide better living for more people…
can make our nation proud…
can help the growth of the nation…
can create a better world…
But then you said that YOU were NOT SURE,A
You are still CREATIVE but with more DOUBT,
Then years LATER, You heard someone had the same idea as yours…
His action, his idea which he put in reality…A
He will be the most creative Entrepreneur of the year…
His action won him Recognition…
Then you start to REGRET…
Think when you were a kid…If that idea came by when you were still a kid.
When back then, You still BELIEVE……
That it is NEVER too LATE… You just need to have an IDEA and to make it HAPPEN…..



A man expresses,
As I was growing up, my dad was my hero – Straightforward, kind and loving. From humble farm beginnings, he became a successful international businessman. His coworkers loved him because he was a leader, who helped out whenever necessary; and never spoke negatively about anything or anyone. A hero!
Dad provided everything to us. Never complained: completing and correcting our home works, officiating disputes with a kind resolve, even laughing at our worst jokes. My hero!
My dad was always there for people. His sense of humor and smile welcomed strangers into our home. His willingness of lending a hand. A Hero!
My dad worked for long hours and weekends. I remember asking him the simple question: “Dad, why do you love your job so much?”
Without taking a second to blink, my dad, my hero; looked me in the square of my eye and replied,” Son, I don’t love what I do. I got to work to make money. I do what I love on the side.”
I as shocked. WHAT!? That’s impossible. The happiest person I know disliked what he did for living?and he hadn’t had a chance to pursue his dream!
Feeling very sad. I whispered, “That seems wrong.”
My dad leaned forward and said,” That’s life- It is the way the world functions.”
At that moment my definition of HERO changed.
because instead of agreeing with him, I replied, “DAD you told me over and over that I can accomplish anything I desire. What about you?
Staring at me, my dad replied,” I’ve always wanted to help people to build their dream products. He told others about his goal and all of the people he had helped in the past became his new support team.
My dad built his dream career and simultaneously changed my definition of hero forever. It is now, A hero is :
Anyone who dares to take action to achieve his goal.



In the past few days I was terribly ill. Well don’t get so scared it was just fever and cold but I’m a person who can make fuss of anything..
So however on the third day of me being ill. Talking was like just IMPOSSIBLE. Still, I went on with my normal routine. I met my Sir,
So he advised me that if you are just doing nothing… so You can Write… I think that he thinks that I am someone who writes as flawlessly as him!!! I just write when I have no one to speak .. just to express myself.. but at that moment I was not ready to accept his advice.. and people who know me say that is is hard to win an argument with me.. anyways I just told him that
He widened his eyes and repeated ‘IDEALESS’.. .. I was like ,”Yes !!!IDEALESS”… then he told me in a funny way that you can write about how does it feel to be IDEALESS… that was the time when it stroke me… so I think you all should be grateful that you are able to read this just because of him. Also don’t forget that its 2 states music that I’m listening to and typing what I feel without thinking too hard.
Well being IDEALESS
It is a very nice feeling……….
As I completed biology homework… it’s something which is never ending …
But I completed all boring tasks because I had to do things very robotically…
But I think that there should be such a phase of mind that we remain IDEALESS so that we complete all the nonsense work this universe expects us to do..
But when we are Idealess there is one more plus point that we are eager to get idea.
Well when we r IDEALESS we are ready to listen to people… I mean we just don’t poke in between. We want to listen about something so that we have at least some to think….
Also when we are idealess we behave as if we just don’t care about the world behind.. I mean I just don’t realize that is 2 in the morning and I’m still awake when I know I have to wake up at 6 in the morning…
I just can’t believe that I listened to my dad without any argument and I’ve completed the little task which he gave me…
Instead of just trying to deduce more about the person I’m talking to … I just blankly look at that person and I try to listen to him just blankly but making sure that I think on it later…
I just laugh remembering something which happened in school while doing something else… but I bet I haven’t missed school.So think this phase, I’ve only termed as IDEALESS… but things has more deeper meaning which I am yet to discover…
well the story is long I don’t want to bore you with all my experiences rather I want all of you to just share your experiences…
But after completing all this I’ve come in another odd phase of being JOBLESS.. But now please don’t expect that I write an article about being jobless… I’m not that jobless…

Well now I see how many words I’ve written I see it long …. I’m like WOW! I’m so talented I can write about being IDEALESS ….
But I seriously wanted to write how it feels to be idea less
I feel really light … I mean I can openly talk to people … I feel that I’m completely lost it.. I feel that I can behave however I want … I just don’t care.. I don’t look behind and regret 

what I have spoken.. I speak what I really want to speak not what others want to hear.. I become the original ME… and IM LOVING IT! (Bow chick chick WOW WOW)  
Being IDEALESS feels to be like a feather freely falling who feels to be weightless bt knowing that it has mass… it’s a long journey…But this feather knows that however long this journey may be she does not know whether she will land up drowning in a river or landing softly in the plane or just banging into an rocky mountain.. The end is undefined but yes it has one… Good or bad… positive or negative…



It's a Streetlight. PC: Myself.

'Yakira' ! Yes thank you for reading my blog . Feels nice to have the third blog of mine. Well, Ive been a blogger since Grade 6, Ive tried out different sites, but was the best. It gives you many options and is very fast. I suggest you must try having a blog of your own. It feels nice. (Well, yes, It does)
Ive tried putting up some of the same posts up here again. So, yes WHY DO I BLOG?
Well I write becasue I feel that unless I dont pen my thoughts down I really dont agree upon them.
I would welcome Ideas, Suggestions and Opinions. Still an early bird in the big world.
The idea of psuedonym felt promising because I felt it gives you complete freedom. So, Pen Name ; YAKIRA! PS: Its a Hebrew name.
Lets get started, I look around the world. I feel that there is alot to be thought upon. Out of the many attracting parts in life, I write about the most Striking ones. My personal anecdotes would be very often to be seen. Movies are my greatest inspirations. So are books and infact NATURE! Nature makes me think, wonder...
And then Im all lost in my thoughts.
The feelings of mine are written in the brackets (usually) .
I am a very irregular blogger. Well after Studying there is the suction of creativity and I need Vacations to enlighten it.
Some old but good posts first and then the NEW ONES.
- Yakira