Sunday 22 February 2015



"SELFIE!" *pouts*  Aahana Just did'nt stop doing that.

A Facepalm after Facepalm.
 Later, I realised I had gone nuts. ( No, just tomatoes.)

I said Goodbye. Left the Place. We had initially met to talk. Aahana just went through a break up. (Just another breakup. She is just 15.). She said she was depressed. No signs though. Just then a notification.
 "Aahana14 posted a pic. ' More breakups to come.' "

I wasn't rude. Please, she wasn't anymore depressed. She just needed RETRICA. 


"Dude. I am just messed up." *blows his nose* Raghav, Just didn't tell the problem.

One tissue. Then Another.
Okay. His Mom had scolded him. I had experienced the 'Show'. This stupid girl just ditched him, I was shocked seeing this reaction.(I mean dude, Fly. You are free.) . Still he wanted to tell the dreaded experience again. I switched on the TV. INDIA VS PAKISTAN . (It wasn't live.) The disturbed guy was dancing. I said Okay.

I said Goodbye. Left his house. Shot down the stairs and went back home. He said he needed to talk. Silence and Tissues. Emotional Guy. Just then his status update. 

"GO India GO." ( Buddy , the match is over ages ago.)

I just sighed. I wasn't rude. He just needed a remote.


"Buddy I am failing tomorrow." *scans pages of the textbook* (Hello, you are no Rajinikant. Get to studying.) Kshitij didn't know a thing. Tomorrow is his exams. He is 16, get a bit serious. But no. He will bunk tutions.

I wrote all the formulae (physics) on the a piece of paper. Kept it on his table.No wonder he had started feasting on my Chocolates now. I let it go. He was busy eating chocolates. Depression You know?

I said Goodbye. Left his home. Raced and went back to my room.

I wasn't rude. He just needed Chocolates. I did my best.

The day ended. (More ironies would have been lined up.)
People just don't understand why I have such friends. Becuase I like different people. But Today They just did not need me. Materialistic things got them Busy. I had no option but to go to another Crime Site.

Day had ended. The night was still had to be survived. Lost in thoughts. A bit of Frustration. Felt like a used piece of crap.
One option. Switch on the Laptop and THERE YOU GO!  Type. Click.
Boom. Bang. Whoosh.


Back to materialistic things?
Can't We be Happy on our own? Do we always need distractions?Aren't People in actual enough?

Okay, I was acting stubborn with myself this time.

But Then, Why was TECHNOLOGY even in existence?

We were meant to use technology. We are not supposed to depend on it. For instance, If you feel like writing, you don't really need a laptop. A paper and a pen will do. Your fingers and sand will do. Most importantly You are needed.
Technology is a help. They assist you. It is something like Xavi and Messi. But Messi is not dependent on Xavi.
People are so important. I mean the day technology won't work. You will get back to your old friends. HUMANS.
They talk, tell you what is correct and wrong, guide you.
They crack jokes, embarrass you.
They laugh, kick, punch.
They insult you, angry you, use you.
They give you Happiness.
They have talent.
They are determined.
They always want to help you.
SO CALL THEM. THEY ARE PRECIOUS. THEY ARE YAKIRA. (Yes .In true sense, Yakira stands for precious.)

So what did the above letters stand for?
My Dear Diary Experience?
My views about Technology?
My views about Valuing People?

That is for you to think, Because I am too Sleepy..
Good Night. It is 3:30 AM

- Yakira

Sunday 15 February 2015


"Mom!  I'll go get some air. I'll come for dinner on time. Okay?"
I just did'nt wait for any reply, and raced down the stairs. Ofcourse I could'nt let him go. It was almost 6 o'clock. A whimsical evening awaited at the terrace. The majestic palace we nested in for a couple of memorable days in Jodhpur were so enthralling. Suraj was waiting upthere. So high, I just could'nt reach him.

HAHAHA. Suraj is no guy. It is just the sun. Not 'JUST' the sun. Rather the 'SUN'.

Me, Mamma and Daddy, were acting like serious tourists and being busy bees we had to complete Jaipur, Jodhpur and Udaipur in just five days. These chronicled cities of India need almost 15 days to reside in their soul. In Jodhpur we halted at a Palace. A site which was made into a hotel and the ambience of a palace having a creek.

Being a sensitive nature Juliet.. I treat them like human beings.Thus, Kahlil Gibran is my favourite. (Leabanese poet).
I rushed up to the porch. The lake was a home for many birds especially ducks. Abaft was a temple on a hill. I still doubt whether I was in Rajasthan known for it's deserts. The rays of the sun were reflected by the water, with the ducks swimming there. It was heaven for me. I settled peacefully on a chair and my legs on an airy, big, aesthetic window, a replica of the windows of the earlier times.

Enough of Visual imagery. Let the thoughts speak now.

No thoughts for the moment. No intuitions. No scrutiny, No speculations, No anticipations.
Nothing at all.

Mesmerizing beauty captured my Heart.

Water seemed like shimmering gold with diamonds embedded. And far above was this holy place full of serenity.
How fantastic it felt being alone?
Pleasing Solitary.  
Complete Silence. It is not what the words speak. Your feelings speak. Emotions speak. Thoughts speak. Your true self Speaks. Yes,
Silence Speaks. 
 All alone. But not lonely. Alone is fun. Alone is peace. Alone is less drama.
Hermit-ness Amuses.
 Breath is felt. Loved ones are felt. Past is felt. Companionship is felt.
Moments are felt.

 We be so behind our friends, our social being, our community, our people, family.
My Mom does it all. For me, my brother, Dad, my relatives. She rarely finds time for herself. Well, it isn't just my Mom. This is a story of almost every Indian Female. Or any person dedicated to someone else rather than self. Complete Selfless.

But According to Buddha, the person who takes care of others as well as their own self, is the Idealistic Being.

Say No. Tell your opinions. Question yourself. Question things. People can adjust. Trouble them. It is completely Okay.

Ask,  What works? No. How works? No. WHY WORKS? Yes.

That evening of pleasing solitary, taught me this.


Thursday 5 February 2015


Recently it was my Best friend's Birthday(she just turned 15). I planned to make a sovernier ( I mean just a small piece of painting which should seem like my work) The thought of making a card went to writing a letter.

The above picture is a work of mine. I spent a mourning Monday on it. I thought of writing sweet words and some words of wisdom which will help her for her life ( I feel so). So the letter is out here:

I wish the bold Black letters "YOU WILL" always give you inspiration. One more year and we will head to the destined path of our choices. 
Whole my life I have been hearing some pieces of crap . out of that I would love to mention some pieces of Cake for you. 

NEVER JUDGE. What you think is your perception. Remember your perception will always differ from others. The comparison won't ever bring about a conclusion because there is no TRUE PERCEPTION. Believe in it and you will never get entangled in Misunderstandings and you lose the mentality of Judging people. YOU WILL bring out peace.

URGE. It's one more year to decide Career choices so Important note. Do what you want to do. Don;t think of options which are painless. If you aren't able to do a certain piece of work doesn't mean that you don't like it. If you have an urge for it YOU WILL always do it.

LIMITING OURSELVES. We tend to give up. Remember just a belief is sufficient for an idea to get wings. Believe in yourself. If you don't believe in your creation how can you instill others beliefs in it? Don't limit, YOU WILL always succeed.

Reach up to the Skies, there is a lot more Beyond it. 

This is all I would like to share with you all. I wrote much more about our friendship. Try giving your friends some pieces of cakes like this on their birthdays. They might relish it for life.



“Broken down on memory lane. Alone together, We’re alone”

The song ended and I decided to look around as I took a stroll. I went as the breeze kissed me. My hair blew. I looked at the clear sky, the sun was about to set. It was light pink reminding me of Strawberry icing. The rustling of leaves. It was just the perfect pleasant spring evening. Everything was so much in place. Suddenly
“Pav!Pav! Unda lelo! Unda!”
In India, especially in a locality where I live, It is quite common to have such vendors moving around with their bicycles. My mom is a regular customer of his. So, I smiled.

Meanwhile, Serenity was shattered and I was a bit disturbed as the perfect spring evening just got a Reality check.
I have this habit of thinking over silly stuff, but Umm... Still
Why does that vendor go around selling stuff? Why does my Dad travel for almost 4 hours a day to manage work and family? Why does the road sweeper get up before he rising sun? Why does my gym trainer work for more than 10 hours a day?
Why did the best cricketer in my town opt for Medical Sciences? Why did a girl inclined to philosophy go for Engineering? Why did a fantastic Photographer go for Commerce? Why did the excelled artist go for Computers? Did they go because of less scope in the field they were masters in? (It is a convention. There is a big world for everything.)
They thought so. People around them thought so. And yes, We still think so.
They knew what their interest was.                                                                                                           They knew what they would like to do.                                                                                                      Just because there wasn't any Guarantee, They did not do it. How Thoughtful?

Well it might be correct.
Such fields provide great Employment options. A settled life, Beautiful partner, well dressed kids, a farmhouse. Further a Retirement and.
Oh, Yes! A FUNERAL. (All sad. You are sad.)                                                                                   All your life you deviated from the path you Loved, just because you wanted a fat wallet?                    Did that ever give you Eternal Happiness?

Well it might not be correct.
You will have happiness with limited money. Days of struggle with a partner who loves you despite your flaws, satisfied kids and an apartment. And RETIREMENT?                                                         NO. Because you never worked. You loved your work. You won’t ever feel to stop it.
Oh, Yes! YOUR FUNERAL. You will SMILE. Yes all happy.

A Struggle for Happiness and Happiness with struggle. It makes a great difference. Following your heart makes a great difference.

The stroll ended with thoughts fighting, I wanted to know what is correct. But, There is no TRUE PERCEPTION.
I had dinner and went straight to the bed. I checked Facebook.
 A senior had wished his musical instrument  10 years of joy. I asked my friend about him. She said he makes films and plays a variety of musical instruments. (I remembered of hearing him once or twice.) I texted him.

I had just found a Royal Bengal Tiger in Rajasthan. How rare is that? Everyone does not follow their Passion. ‘Such people are like inspiration to me, encouraged me to start writing all over.’
“Senior, You are like the block behind this blog.”

I slept with the notion , That the WORLD IS STILL CHANGING.

“Follow your heart, You will discover your true self.”                                                                                  